

So this will be my blog/website, im not really sure what i’ll be sharing but i guess it will be kind of mixed.

This is my first real attempt at keeping a blog, so i guess depending on what im working on, reading a book, having some holidays, attending events or anything in between will be the subject.

Enjoy reading!

Entonces, ¿Qué vas a hacer?

<iframe src=”https://www.facebook.com/video/embed?video_id=384417214993020” width=”854″ height=”480″ frameborder=”0″></iframe>

Ensayo sobre las funciones clave de la evaluación

Ensayo sobre las funciones clave de la evaluación

Rodolfo Chávez Sánchez

Este ensayo es una recopilación de diferentes puntos de vista de principalmente dos autores en cuanto al enfoque que recomiendan para la evaluación en un proceso de aprendizaje. Inicialmente se busca estructurar el problema de una manera sencilla para posteriormente enfatizar la importancia de la retroalimentación así como lo que los autores consideran como una retroalimentación adecuada. En segunda parte se examinan las propuestas de los autores para medir los resultados del aprendizaje y la calificación. Posteriormente se presenta el punto de vista de este autor en cuanto a la experiencia con los métodos de evaluación percibidos contra los propuestos en la primera sección y el ensayo finaliza con un compromiso y conclusiones generales.

Dentro de la práctica actual de la evaluación existen diferentes investigaciones que han puesto de manifestó una patología al evaluar que tiene como resultado una evaluación disfuncional y desequilibrada. (Martín, 1997)

Algunos ejemplos de este tipo de evaluación se manifiestan en evaluar solamente al alumno, el conocimiento o el resultado de una forma cuantitativa. Este ensayo se centrará en dos temas centrales; la evaluación cuantitativa y la utilización de instrumentos inadecuados.

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Why understand theory? (in spanish)

My research protocol for the marketing master degree

So now I have to work on the research protocol for the marketing management master degree. Here is my first draft in spanish (the degree is this language), does it looks interesting?

What is an “Insight”?

An insight is something very difficult to define or to explain, it is usually described as the ‘AHA’ moment, or when the light bulb turns up.

The other day I stumbled into a blog from Adam Richardson that describes three key attributes:

Core insights have three key attributes:
1. Logical, yet unexpected. A core insight is the quintessential “Aha!” — a realization about how your customers think or where a business opening lies that emerges out of connecting the dots between various other findings (customer research, technology trends, demographics, economics, brand, etc.) in a new way. Toyota’s counterintuitive realization about what would motivate buyers came from understanding cultural, behavioral, economic, and technologic trends, and this insight drove development choices as well as marketing.

2. Forward-looking. A core insight provides forward-looking understanding of customer needs, behaviors, and market trends. Core insights should address the current state of the world and also point to how the world will be in the future. In recognizing the phenomenon of eco-friendly products becoming status symbols, Toyota was picking up on a pioneering mind-set with emerging eco-conscious buyers that seemed likely to expand into the mainstream. The fact that they are now turning Prius into a brand and product line is testament to the durable nature of their insight.

3. Hard to follow. The core insights you’ve discovered should be hard for competitors to perceive based on the offerings you put into the market. “Make it faster” or “add another blade to the razor” are obvious; reliance on such easily deduced “insights” makes you predictable and easy to compete against. The real trick is that even if competitors can eventually understand your core insight, their ability to respond is often constrained by their own competencies, customers, and business model.

By Adam Richardson

Rhetological Fallacies

I saw this on the website of Information Is Beautiful, i think it is amazing. Anyone of us can relate to a meeting/discussion/event when we used it as an argument, it is probably very hard to keep track of all of them while arguing but it is an amusing infographic. (click on the picture)

Rhetological Fallacies

How Innovators Think?

Innovation has been the buzzword for the last couple of years. Most of the business magazines and enterprises from different industries are using this word as their new ‘motto’. Just as a few decades ago, there were similar buzzwords, for example, everything had to be around TQM (Total Quality Management) and re-engineering. A few years later, especially after the success of Japanese companies in USA, Lean became the standard for every company in a wide range of industries. Soon after, Six Sigma and its 3.4 defects per million were introduced by Motorola and then some mixes became popular just like Lean Six Sigma or even DFSS (Design for Six Sigma).

There has always been the question if these ideologies, tools, theories or concepts are actually something real, helpful and enduring or if it is just a fad. There are always parties that, in pursue of being part of a trend, diminish the real value of a concept. For example, 2012 will be declared “The year of the innovation” by the Mexican government. Is innovation becoming a fad?

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Where Good Ideas Come from..

Where Good Ideas Come From: The Natural History of Innovation
by Steven Johnson
I became interested in this book after a review from HBR Magazine and also a video:

I’m enjoying this book so far, it is quite interesting how the good ideas are built over time and highly influenced by the environment. However, the links that we are able to create with new technologies are accelerating this process. There is an example in the book where it states that it takes 20 years from idea to mass audience, however YouTube made this in only 2 years.

I guess the best thing about this book so far is that (1) gives you some comfort that good ideas don’t come out of nowhere and just pop-up, it is a slow process, (2) it seems that there are some personal an evironmental conditions that can help make the connections and probably speep-up the process.

So, the big question is.. How can you speed-up coming up with good ideas? Most of us can’t wait decades!